What is Astaxanthin And What Are The Benefits?

What is Astaxanthin And What Are The Benefits?

Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant which belongs to the carotenoid family, the same group that includes lutein and beta-carotene. Carotenoids are natural and functional pigments which have antioxidant properties. [1] Astaxanthin is found naturally in algae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp and crayfish, [2] it is what gives these organisms and their predators, such as flamingos, their distinctive pink or reddish colour.
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5 Benefits Of Taking Fish Oil

5 Benefits Of Taking Fish Oil

Many people include fish oil in their daily supplement intake, as its high omega-3 fatty acid content is thought to have various health benefits. This is why the World Health Organisation suggests eating at least 1 to 2 portions of oily fish per week. Oily fish includes anchovies, herring, mackerel, salmon and sardines. These are all rich in ome...
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6 Health Supplements You Should Take Daily

6 Health Supplements You Should Take Daily

Although most of us try to maintain a healthy diet and eat nutrient-rich foods every day, sometimes life can make meal-planning difficult. It’s therefore important to have a solid back-up plan for those busy days.  Read on to find out why we recommend taking the following supplements every day. Vitamin D3 + K2 Short, cold winter days are a serio...
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