CBD oil

The Benefits of Taking CBD Oil

With health and wellbeing experts like author Michael Pollan and director of neuropsychopharmacology at the Imperial College London David Nutt recently publicly refuting the benefits of psychedelics, there’s been a resurgence in the conversation around utilising certain compounds to help enhance health and wellbeing.

CBD oil, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring constituent of cannabis. Originally discovered in 1940, it was thought to be pharmaceutically inactive. However, we now know that its effects are real, and really beneficial too. Whilst cannabis contains THC or tetrahydrocanabidol (the psychoactive ‘high’-inducing element), CBD oil doesn’t contain this, and is therefore legal.

Upon taking CBD oil via a dropper, you may experience physical and mental relaxation, pain relief, and relief from insomnia, but if that were all, CBD oil wouldn’t be nearly as interesting or as much of a supplemental breakthrough. Read on to discover the benefits of CBD oil, the athletes and health experts taking it, and why you could benefit too.

Athletes, Epilepsy and Anti-Anxiety

According to the world doping agency, CBD is legal amongst professional athletes, and the powerful pain-relieving properties may explain why it is used extensively amongst mixed martial arts fighters and American footballers. From an athletic perspective, CBD is most notable for being anti-inflammatory, a pain reliever (without causing ‘bring fog’), a powerful anti-stress and anti-anxiety compound, and can help speed up recovery time from simple muscle aches to injuries. [1]

Other than recovery, CBD oil is also useful as an appetite suppressant, a powerful antioxidant and immune system booster, and it’s also been shown to effectively treat epilepsy. Dr Orrin Divinsky of the New York Langone Comprehansive Epilepsy Centre conducted a study to test the effectiveness of Epidiolex, a drug comprised of CBD. The results showed a 54% decrease in epileptic seizures in both adults and children, with findings presented at the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting. Interestingly, another effective natural treatment for epilepsy is the ketogenic diet, established in the 1920s as an option for children with difficult-to-control seizures. [2] [3] 

Nate Diaz, a professional mixed martial arts fighter, took part in a post-fight press conference whilst using a CBD filled vape, and said he used it straight after fighting to recover without the need to use and become reliant upon strong prescription painkillers.  “It helps with the healing process and inflammation,” Diaz told the media. “So you want to get these for before and after the fights, [and] training. It’ll make your life a better place.” [4]

Another reason Diaz may have opted for CBD oil is the neuroprotective aspect; in other words, if your head is being punched and kicked a lot, or you experience sports tackles to the head, CBD oil can help protect the brain and prevent damage by supporting healthy brain functioning and cellular repair, a stark contrast to pure cannabis containing THC , which is why it’s important to put aside all perceptions and prejudices when it comes to this powerful, healthy and incredibly helpful plant based supplement. [5]


[1] https://floydsofleadville.com/cbd-benefits/

[2] https://www.epilepsy.org.uk/news/news/study-confirms-safety-cannabis-drug-cbd-64709

[3] https://www.epilepsy.com/learn/treating-seizures-and-epilepsy/dietary-therapies/ketogenic-diet

[4] https://meetharmony.com/2016/09/06/cbd-vape-pen-nate-diaz-benefits-cannabidiol/

[5] http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/367/1607/3326#sec-11


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