Biohacking Blog Series: How To Optimise Your Exercise & Recovery With Nutrition, Supplements,  Sleep & Sauna

Biohacking Blog Series: How To Optimise Your Exercise & Recovery With Nutrition, Supplements, Sleep & Sauna

Today, we’re completing our biohacking blog series with a deep dive into how to biohack your exercise for fast fat loss, muscle gain, and quicker recovery after your workouts. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate exerciser or experienced in health and fitness, there are plenty of tips and tricks in this blog to help you get more from your workouts, and improve your health.
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Collagen & Metabolism-Boosting Energy Balls

Collagen & Metabolism-Boosting Energy Balls

High in protein and healthy fats, these whole-food energy balls support healthy hormones, blood sugar balance, metabolism, as well as supporting skin, hair, nails and joints. Many energy balls are high in sugar, but ours contain a perfect balance of plant-based fats and proteins, along with collagen, which is an easy-to-digest protein, and a delicious way to keep sugar cravings at bay. These snacks are perfect post-workout, as a healthy dessert, or as a wholesome metabolism-boosting treat any time of day.

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Healthy Christmas Treats: Coconut Meringue Cookies

Healthy Christmas Treats: Coconut Meringue Cookies

These healthy Christmas snacks are incredibly light, high in protein and low in calories, and are an ideal alternative healthy Christmas treat amidst a season of heavy festive food. With only 5 ingredients and minimal prep time, these Christmas cookies contain zero sugar and are high in protein, so your blood sugar will stay balanced, and your cravings suitably curbed.
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Why EAAs Really Are Essential

Why EAAs Really Are Essential

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) cannot be made by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplements. They’re vital for muscle and bone health, improving exercise recovery, metabolism and essential bodily functions. Many people do not consume enough high-quality protein to get enough amino acids, and benefit from supplementing with EAAs. In this blog, you’ll learn why EAAs are a must-have in your diet, and why you’ll benefit from supplementing with them.
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