Biohacking Blog Series: How Exercise, Coffee & Alcohol Impact Your Sleep + Deep Relaxation Exercises For Better Sleep

Biohacking Blog Series: How Exercise, Coffee & Alcohol Impact Your Sleep + Deep Relaxation Exercises For Better Sleep

Research shows those who engage in moderate exercise for at least 20 minutes, three times per week are likely to experience better sleep quality and quantity than those who are more sedentary. Whilst cardio workouts were long thought to be the best type of exercise to promote good quality sleep, recent research suggests strength training is actually more beneficial. As well as exercising, avoiding alcohol at least 4 hours before bed and stopping caffeine 6 to 9 hours before sleeping can help improve sleep. In this blog, you’ll learn how to biohack your sleep with exercise, changing your alcohol and coffee habits, as well as learning the best relaxation exercises for sleep.
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Biohacking Series Part 3:  Biohacking Your Cortisol For Less Stress, More Energy & Better Sleep

Biohacking Series Part 3: Biohacking Your Cortisol For Less Stress, More Energy & Better Sleep

Cortisol is known as the ‘stress hormone’, and is released when we perceive a threat. Chronic stress however, can lead to high cortisol levels, resulting in high blood pressure, sleep issues, food cravings, weight gain, and disrupted hormones. Low cortisol levels caused by burnout are also a serious issue. In this blog, you’ll learn how to biohack your cortisol, balance your circadian rhythms, reduce stress, and build your resilience with the use of adaptogens, breathwork, nutrition and more.

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Reclaim Your Calm - Tips On Staying Calm Throughout The Day

Reclaim Your Calm - Tips On Staying Calm Throughout The Day

How calm do you feel right now? If you’re anything like 74% of us in the UK, feeling calm and peaceful isn’t something we tend to gravitate towards easily. Research from the 2018 Mental Health Foundation study shows that almost three quarters of the UK population felt so stressed at some point in the year that they felt overwhelmed or unable to ...
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